We are getting ready for our districtwide parent event on April 3, 2023
Job Fair
​CONGRATULATIONS TO THE JANUARY 'S TEACHER OF THE MONTH, MS. ANGELA SHAW ​ Alexis Logan  MAR 02, 2023  Congratulations to the January 's Teacher of the Month, Ms. Angela Shaw    Thank you for all you do!  You are appreciated!
Congratulations to the January 's Teacher of the Month, Ms. De'Angela Davis
Congratulations to the January 's Support Staff of the Month, Ms. Latosha Lenoir
Join us  February 28th @ 6 PM
Join us
 School Board Member Recognition Week
ABERDEEN SCHOOL DISTRICT PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITIES Manya Chappell  JAN 19, 2023  Aberdeen School District Professional Learning Communities  The spring semester in Aberdeen School District is full of opportunities for expanding our capacity as professionals. Once a month, our four core subject area grade levels (ELA, Math, Social Studies, and Science), counselors, and, media specialists, grades 6 and up, will meet in Professional Learning Communities (PLC’s) for analyzing data, collaboration across grade levels, increasing teacher understanding of content, and improving instructional strategies. Our first meeting was Thursday, January 12. Teachers were excited to collaborate with other grade levels and schools and to work together to identify strategies needed for student improvement based on data. Love (2008) reminds us,        The driving purpose for collecting all the data…is an instructional improvement. There is no        way to bridge the gap between data and results without changing what is taught, how it        is taught, and how it is assessed. Instructional improvement is the last and essential         segment of the bridge linking data to results.  Just as the trees, shrubs, and flowers are full of new life in spring so Aberdeen District PLC’s are preparing for the new season of student achievement this semester.
Congratulations to the December  Support Staff of the Month, Ms. Paula Spruill!
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE DECEMBER TEACHERS OF THE MONTH MS. SARAH LOVELADY, Alexis Logan  JAN 18, 2023  Meet Ms. Sarah Lovelady.  My name is Sarah Lovelady. I teach 7th-grade Science now. I taught 6th-grade science for a semester and 4th grade ELA for a year. I attended Mississippi University for Women. I decided to be a teacher because I have always enjoyed teaching new things to people even as a child. As I go older that love got greater so I decided to become a teacher.
Spelling Bee Champs
Spelling Bee Champs
Congratulations to BSMS Teacher of the YEAR!!!!
Congratulations to November's  Teacher of the Month!
Congratulations to November's  Teacher of the Month!
Congratulations to November's Support Staff of the Month!