Greetings ASD Parents/ Guardians 2021-2022 Registration will be held at 316 N. Franklin St. (Shivers). For those students who reside in the district. The dates are provided below.
(Mon.) 7/19/21 *10am-7pm (Last names beginning with A-I)
(Wed.) 7/21/21 *10am-7pm (Last names beginning with J-R)
(Fri.) 7/23/21 *9am- 2pm (Last names beginning with S-Z
(Wed.) 7/28/21 *10am-5pm (makeup day)
All of the required info must be provided by Parent/Guardian for each student at the time of registration; in order for them to register.
Must have two proofs of residency listed below:
· Filed homestead exemption application form (or)
· Mortgage document (within 30 days) or Property Deed and(or)
· Apartment Lease listing all occupants
· (Must be current with a beginning and ending date provided) (and)
· 1-Utility Bill (water, gas, electric within the current month
· If they are residing with someone else, an affidavit of residency is required
· Along with two proofs of residency.
*Kindergartens (Certified birth cert. and current immunization record)
*7th Graders- (T-Dap 121 immunization record)
*All new students are required to have a birth cert./ immunization record along with Proofs of residency.
For more information please contact Jennifer Oliver (662) 436-9459