In a heartwarming event on January 11th, Dr. Andrea Pastchal-Smith, Superintendent of the Aberdeen School District, graciously accepted a generous donation of filled backpacks from the Tupelo Alumnae Chapter (TAC) of Delta Sigma Theta. This impactful initiative is part of TAC's Backpack Refill Initiative, which has been making a difference for seven consecutive years. This event was part of their 13 days of service leading up to the Sorority’s Founders Day on January 13th.
Dr. Keila Glenn, Director of Special Programs at the Aberdeen School District, shared the motivation behind the Backpack Refill Initiative. Instead of distributing school supplies at the beginning of the academic year, TAC chooses to wait until mid-year, post-Christmas break, to ensure students have the resources they need for a successful second semester.
Dr. Glenn reflected on the initiative, "If students don't have what they need to succeed, there will be that gap. We feel that donating the backpacks with supplies is one way our chapter can contribute to helping to close that learning gap."
This year, TAC donated 53 backpacks with supplies to area schools: Aberdeen School District, Verona Elementary School, and Shannon Elementary School. The thoughtful donation aims to equip students with the tools to thrive academically and bridge resource gaps.
The event captured a powerful moment as representatives from the Aberdeen School District, including Dr. Andrea Pastchal-Smith (Superintendent), Latosha R. Williams (Federal Program Specialist/Assistant Business Manager), and Latesha Short (Family/Community Specialist at Joyner Elementary School, Tupelo, MS), joined hands to donate the meaningful contribution.
In a photograph (pictured from left to right), Latosha R. Williams, Dr. Keila Glenn, Latesha Short, and Dr. Andrea Pastchal-Smith symbolize collaboration, community support, and the shared commitment to educational excellence.
As we celebrate this excellent collaboration between Tupelo Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta and the Aberdeen School District, we extend our gratitude for their dedication to fostering a positive learning environment and impacting students' lives. This Backpack Refill Initiative exemplifies the power of community partnerships in creating a brighter future for our students.
Dana McGinister is the current President of the Tupelo Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta.
We look forward to witnessing the positive ripple effect these backpacks will have on the students' educational journey in Aberdeen and beyond.
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