If your student needs minor medical or behavioral health care services during the summer months, the University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMMC) and the Mississippi Department of Education have you covered. They are partnering to provide telehealth services free of charge to any student who is enrolled in a Mississippi K-12 public school.
The School-based Telehealth Summer Program begins June 1, and participation is simple. To make an appointment, just call 601.815.2020 and ask for a summer telehealth visit. Your child can see a UMMC nurse practitioner or licensed counselor using a smartphone, tablet, or computer wherever you are. A parent or guardian must be present for the virtual visit.
Minor medical care is available seven days a week from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Behavioral health services are available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Learn more at https://www.umc.edu/Healthcare/Telehealth/Schools/Summer/FAQs.
I hope you and all Mississippi public school students have a healthy and happy summer.
The University of Mississippi Medical Center Telehealth Department and the Mississippi Department of Education are proud to announce that the Mississippi School-based Telehealth Summer Program is available free to all Mississippi public school students during the June and July summer months of the year 2023.
We are requesting your support by disseminating this announcement to the communities that you serve. Attached, you can find a marketing toolkit with digital marketing materials such as a flyer (Spanish version included), a social media post with language, newsletter/website content with language, and a press release template to assist with your efforts.
Please forward this information to the department who can assist with posting the provided information. We thank you in advance for working together as a collective to help increase access to healthcare and mental health services for the children of our great state of Mississippi.
The School-based Telehealth Summer Program is made possible by the Mississippi Department of Education and sponsored by the University of Mississippi Medical Center Telehealth Department. |