Aberdeen Elementary is committed to building a school culture that welcomes our military students and family. Our staff will receive professional development each year in April to understand and educate them on the transition and support of military students and families that end our district. Our goal is to make sure that all students are welcomed and that the transitioning process for these families is easy and less stressful. We want to make sure that students receive the same education and support like all students at Aberdeen Elementary.
Academic Planning for Military Families
For U.S. Military and their families
online tutoring
homework help 24/7
Statewide Military School Liaison
Joni Nalley, Columbus AFB
Office: 662-434-2792
Larry Mullins, NAS Meridan
Office: 601-679-2473
Cell: 601-479-2025
Mona Odom, NCBC Gulport
Office: 228-871-2117
Cell: 228-323-6105
Gerald Cross, Keesler AFB
Office: 228-376-8505
Michela M. Haggerty
Amy National Guard MS Liaison
Office: 601-313-6317

Major Williams presents AES their plaque for becoming a Military Star School

Aberdeen Elementary School is proud of our student ambassador, student-lead transitional program.
Select students will provide a campus tour which includes a daily schedule & transition demonstration, (Buddy System).
Student will teach the "Bulldog B.A.R.K (Be Responsible, Always Respectful, Ready for my Next Level, and Kind to Others)" to incoming military children.
The transitional team will check in with student ambassadors and newly settled students to provide the ongoing support.

Madison - "We can cheer for veterans when they come to our school."

Donald - "We can help veterans with what they need."